The Firm
Guy Le Boterf
Services offered
Key Clients
Ordering Publications


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At the request of businesses, public and private bodies (hospitals, category associations, foundations, local authorities, public administrations, training bodies…), universities and higher education institutes, Guy Le Boterf and his consultancy service work on planning, implementing and improving policies and tools for:

bullet.gif (958 octets)  Collective and customized professional training schemes
bullet.gif (958 octets) Jobs and skills forecast management (JSFM)
bullet.gif (958 octets) Link-up between work organisation and skills
bullet.gif (958 octets) Development of individual and collective skills
bullet.gif (958 octets) Management skills training
bullet.gif (958 octets) Transfer of skills
bullet.gif (958 octets) Assessment and validation of skills and acquired experience
bullet.gif (958 octets) Professionalization of human resources and management
bullet.gif (958 octets) Management of tools for professionalization and training schemes
bullet.gif (958 octets) Transmission of knowledge and technical expertise
bullet.gif (958 octets) Performance enhancement of training systems
bullet.gif (958 octets) Networking
bullet.gif (958 octets) Devising higher education teaching programmes to offer students a better training for professional opportunities and development.

Interventions comprise consultancy, audits and project assistance

Guy Le Boterf also gives lectures on the above topics.